The Punjab Population Innovation Fund requests proposals from private sector and not-for-profit organizations for innovative solutions to be implemented in Punjab, that would focus on strengthening male engagement in family planning. They need to be involved as:
- Direct Beneficiaries – to improve informed choice of FP methods and services
- Husbands – to improve joint decision-making among couples
- Agents of Change – to increase acceptability of family planning in communities
The aim for this call for proposal is to improve family planning knowledge, positive attitudes and practices through systematic and evidence-based Social and Behavior Change Communication Interventions. Applicants are being invited to develop proposals based on background and guidance detailed in this document.
. The proposed projects must demonstrate expected results within a period of 18 months in one or 36 Districts of Punjab.
The deadline for proposal submissions is Monday, 8th April, 2019 at 12 pm PST.
Questions about this technical proposal can be made only in writing: a letter or an e-mail and must be sent by or before COB Wednesday, 27th March, 2019, 10:30 AM at PPIF Office. For any other related information please contact Manager Procurement PPIF (125-Abu Bakar Block, New Garden Town, Lahore, 042-35913413-15|hashim.hussain@ppif.org.pk)