Invitation for Abstract Submission
Punjab Population Innovation Funds invites organizations to submit abstracts of original work/interventions on family planning information and services specifically to young and newlywed couples. Following are the areas of interventions on which the abstracts may be submitted:
- Promotion of delay in girl’s marriage through education, advocacy, social and behaviour change
- Pre-marital and newlywed counselling for couples
- Post-partum and post abortion family planning services
- Family Planning and Immunization Integration
The purpose of this action is to generate and solicit ideas that have shown promising results in these areas and subsequently launch a call for proposals on the same.
In light of the Census 2017 and Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey 2017-18, Pakistan has one of the worst population indicators in the region, even worse than the estimations by the 2016 World Bank and Development Statistics reports. The number of children people have is a complex decision and couples’ preference in this regard should be respected. However, there is widespread evidence of unwanted pregnancies as seen in the high incidence of unsafe abortions. Furthermore, based on alarmingly high infant and maternal mortality rates, increasing need for family planning among younger age groups, malnutrition among children and poor education outcomes, it can be established that these areas show promising results that have also been recognized in the High Impact Practices for Family Planning collated by USAID.
Stage I: Submission of abstracts to PPIF. THE LAST DATE OF ABSTRACT SUBMISSION IS FRIDAY, 6th September, 2019.
Stage ll: The PPIF Committee will review all submitted abstracts and the shortlisted abstracts will be further invited to present their abstracts at the workshop (Agenda is appended).
Agenda for the Workshop:
- Introduction to PPIF
- Emphasizing the importance of engaging young couples
- Presentations on the Best Practices submitted by organizations
- Panel Discussion: The panel will include representatives from the public health departments, youth department, development sector, media, academia and youth organizations. The purpose of the panel discussion will be to draw recommendations from the presentations and experience sharing of stakeholders at the event.
Stage lll: PPIF will roll-out a call for proposals on the subject matter and the most promising abstracts will get a significant advantage in the proposal selection and the evaluation process.
- Abstract title – limited to 20 words in UPPER CASE
- Abstract text –limited to 1000 words
(Please Note: Word count is affected when graphs/tables/images are added)
Abstract layout – Abstracts must be submitted with the following sections:
- Objectives
- Methods
- Results
- Conclusion
- URL/Attached document to the impact assessment of the intervention
- An organization can submit upto three abstracts.
The shortlisted abstracts will be published in renowned national and international journals and also circulated among the vast network of PPIF and Population Welfare Department (PWD).
Subsequent to the abstract presentation and a careful review of the abstracts by the committee, PPIF will roll-out a call for proposals on the subject matter and the most promising abstracts will get a significant advantage in the proposal selection and the evaluation process.
Feel free to communicate with the following contacts for any query regarding the submission of the abstract:
- Ali Imran (
- Danish Shahid (